IELTS Listening Sınavı En Çok Çıkan Kelimeler
IELTS Listening sınavı dinleme becerilerinizi ölçmek için yapılan bir sınavdır. Toplamda 4 farklı dinleme parçasından oluşur, 40 soru sorulur ve sınav süresi 30 dakikadır. Listening sınavı Akademik ve Genel IELTS için ortak sınavdır. Yani, soru türleri Akademik veya Genel için değişiklik göstermez.
Listening sınavı formatı, sınav içeriği ve soru türleri için Bknz: IELTS Listening Örnekleri
Listening sınavında dinleme parçalarını sadece 1 kez dinleyebilirsiniz. Dinleme parçalarını iyi anlayabilmeniz, kelimeleri doğru hecelemeniz ve doğru cevaplayabilmeniz için kelime bilginizin zengin olması gerekmektedir. Kelime bilginiz (vocabulary) ne kadar zengin olursa duyduklarınızı daha iyi anlamanızı sağlar. IELTS sınavından daha yüksek skor elde etmek için zengin bir kelime bilgisine ihtiyacınız olacaktır. Kelime bilginizi geliştirmek için sadece ezberleme yöntemi doğru bir yöntem olmayacaktır. Çünkü aynı zamanda kelmelerin nasıl yazıldığınıda çok iyi bilmeniz gerekmektedir. Yazım hatalarından dolayı doğru cevabınız yanlış sayılabiir.
Kelimeleri öğrenmek için örnek cümlerle birlikte metin içerisinde çalışmak çok daha faydalı olacaktır
Bizde sizlere faydalı olacağını düşündüğümüz, IELTS Listening Sınavında en çok çıkan kelimeleri derledik.
IELTS Listening Sınavı En Çok Çıkan 1000 Kelime Listesi
Money Matters:
cash, debit, credit card, cheque, in advance, annual fee, monthly membership, interest rate, deposit, tuition fees, poverty, bank statement, money management, current account, student account, wıthdraw, low-risk investment, mortgage, grace period, budget deficit, retail voucher, coupon, counterfeit money, public money, taxpayers' money, debt, interest-free credit, purchase, partial refund, annuıty, non-refundable, MasterCard, VISA, distribution costs, income, finance department, family fınances, duty-free store.
science, politics, history, biology, architecture, law, geography, archaeology, literature, business management, agriculture, statistics, mathematics, logic, physics, psychology, anthropology, economics, philosophy, performing arts, visual arts, chemistry, humanities Studying at college/university: course outline, group discussion, handout, written work, report writing, research, Proofreading, experiment, experience, reference, textbook, dictionary, laptop, printer, student advisor, teamwork, module, topic, assessment, library, department, computer center, classroom, lecture, tutor, main hall, attendance, deadline, give a talk, speech, computer laboratory, certificate, diploma, placement test, overseas students, full-time, facilities, college, dining room, specialist, knowledge, international, accommodation, home stay, primary, secondary, intermediate, media room, resources room, staff, commencement, dissertation, leaflet, faculty, pupils, pencil, feedback, tasks, outcomes, advanced, introductory, extra background, higher educatıon, guidelines, post-secondary, supervisor, bachelor's degree, compound, vocabulary, student support services, student retention, publication, foreign students, schedule, school reunion, registrar's office, stationery.
Catalogue, interview, newsletter, competition, TV program, strategies, research method, entertainment industry, leadership, management, display, products, customer, special offer, collecting data, questionnaire, survey, mass media, statistic, profit margin, poll, business card, training, trainee, merchandise, manufacture, recruitment.
Yoga, tai-clii. keep-fit, salad bar, vegetarian, outdoor activities, leisure time, disease, meal, protein, balanced diet, food pyramid, vitamin, carbohydrates, rice, pasta, potatoes, pizza, tomatoes, bread, cereals, minerals, zinc, meat, seafood, eggs, beans, milk, cheese, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, citrus fruits, green pepper, blackcurrant, nuts, egg yolk, liver, medicine, treatment, remedy, nursing care, nursery, regular exercise.
Rating and qualities:
Reasonable, satisfactory, dangerous, safe, strongly recommended, poor quality, satisfied, disappointed, efficient, luxurious, colored, spotted, striped, expensive, cheap.
Tourist guided tour, ticket office, souvenir, trip, guest, reservation, view, culture, memorable, single room, double bedded room, picnic, tourist attraction, hostel, suite, aquarium.
Train, develop, collect, supervise, mark, edit, revise, exhibit, donate, surpass, register, support, hunt, persuade, concentrate, discuss, suggest, arrange, borrow, immigrate, review, learn, touch.
Energetic, social, ancient, necessary, fantastic, exciting, fabulous, dull, comfortable, convenient, suitable, affordable, voluntary, mandatory, compulsory, temporary, permanent, immense, vast, salty, extinct, vulnerable, pessimistic, optimistic, realistic, practical, knowledgeable, flexible, confident, western, intensive, tranquil, spectacular, intact, various.
Orienteering, caving, spelunking, archery, ice skating, scuba-diving, snorkeling, skateboarding, bowls, darts, golf, billiards, photography, painting, pottery, woodcarving, gardening, stamp collection, embroidery, climbing, chess, parachute.
Cricket, baseball, basketball, rugby, soccer, American football, hockey, swimming, tennis, squash, badminton, ping-pong, field, court, pitch, stadium, team, the discus, the javelin, the hammer, the high jump, horse racing, show Jumping, polo, cycling, gymnasium, athlete, gym, extreme sports, paragliding, hang-gliding, skydiving, abseiling, snowboarding, bungee jumping, surfing, windsurfing, jet-skiing, bodyboarding, white-water rafting, kitesurfing, mountain biking, jogging, press-up, push-up, barbell, treadmill, judo, recreation, snooker, walking, championship, canoeing, refreshment.
Square, rectangular, triangular, polygon, oval, spherical, spiral, circular, curved, cylindrical.
Width, length, altitude, imperial system, metric system, mass, depth, breadth, height, three dimensions, frequency.
Cargo plane, shipment, container ship, boat, lifeboat, ferry, hovercraft, hydrofoil, liner, canal boat, narrowboat, dinghy sailing, sailboat, paddle steamer, cabin cruiser, rowing boat, rowboat, kayak, canoe, punt, gondola, aircraft, helicopter, seaplane, airship, hot-air balloon, airport, crew, passenger, platform, hire a car, automobile.
Double-decker bus, single-decker, minibus, school bus, coach, truck, tanker, van, lorry, transporter, forklift truck, tow truck, breakdown truck, pickup, jeep, caravan, camper, tractor, taxi, cab, yellow cab, tram, underground, subway, stream train, freight, train, goods train.
Field, footbridge, environment, waterfall, river, mountain, forest, village, coast, reef, lake, valley, hill, cliff, island, peninsula, earthquake, avalanche, tornado, typhoon, desertification, volcano, disaster, catastrophe, erosion, landslides, storm, flood, hurricane, pond, jungle, oasis, dam, canyon.
The Environment:
Greenhouse effect, acid rain, global warming, carbon dioxide, burning fossil, exhaust fumes, deforestation, nitrogen oxide, smog, climate, pollution, temperature, power plants, landfill, cattle, wind turbine, soar power, hydroelectric power, renewable, source of energy, reliable, solar panels, environmentally friendly, oxygen, chemical-free, desert, degradation, vegetation, sea level, ocean currents, soil conditioner, coal, fossil fuels, firewood, drought, contaminated.
The animal kingdom:
Birds of prey, seabirds, poultry and game, mammals, cetacean, whale, primates, rodents, fish, amphibian, reptile, insects, octopus, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, livestock, creature, lion, penguin.
Mushroom, fungus, leaves, seed, core, bark, trunk, twig, branch, flower, stem, roots, cluster, fertilizer.
South America, North America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and Antarctica.
Egypt, Mexico, France, Indonesia, Turkey, England, Germany, China, Greece, Brazil, India, North Korea, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, Switzerland , United Kingdom, Italy, The Dominican Republic, The Philippines, Denmark.
Linguistics, bilingual, trilingual, polyglot, Portuguese, Mandarin, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Japanese, German, Punjabi, Thai, Persian, Filipino, French, Italian, Greek, French.
Architecture and buildings:
Ddome, palace, fort, castle, glasshouse, pyramid, log cabin, lighthouse, hut, skyscraper, sculpture.
Semi-detached house, duplex, terraced house, town house, row house, bungalow, thatched cottage, mobile home, houseboat, block of flats, apartment building, condominium, chimney, bedroom, basement, landlord, tenant, rent, lease, neighborhood, suburb, sofa, coffee table, dormitory, storey, kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, ground floor, oven, hallway, insurance.
In the City:
Cities, street, lane, city centre, central station, car park, department store, bridge, temple, embassy, road system, hospital, garden, avenue.
Clinic, dentist, reception, appointment, staff selection, colleague, workshop, showroom, information desk, employer, employment, unemployed, technical cooperation, team leaders, stress, ability, vision, confidence, employee, internship.
Humid, hot, sticky, foggy, breeze, chilly, cold, cool, dry, dusty, freezing, hot, warm, wet, weather forecast, antenna, moisture.
Local library, swimming pool, cafeteria, cottage, parliament, accommodation, restaurant, canteen, cafe, bookshop, sports centre, city council, dance studio, park, conversation club, kindergarten.
Equipment and Tools:
Helmet, light, musical instrument, cassette, silicon chip, digital monitor, gadget, device, screen, breaks, wheels, mechanical pencil, disk, backpack.
The Arts and Media:
Opera, Orchestra, concert, symphony, the press, conductor, vocalist, audience, festival, carnival, exhibition ,classical music, theatre, cinemas, art gallery, museum, ballet, television, radio, graphics, newspaper.
Fur, metal, steel, aluminum, copper, rubber, plastic, ceramics, glass, cement, stone, textile, cotton, fabric, wool, leather, bone, paper, lumber/wood, glue, composite, fiberglass, concrete, wax, paper, wood, silver, gold, feather.
Works and jobs:
Occupation, profession, designer, decorator, architect, engineer, manager, waitress, waiter, teacher, vacancy, professor, specialist, psychologist, volunteer, freelance, secretary, craftsman, work experience, curriculum vitae, mail address, receptionist, pilot, guard, flight attendant, lecturer, office assistant, clerk, accountant, cashier, captain.
Blue, white, orange, green, grey, black, red, yellow, purple, brown, pink.
Expressions and Times:
Three times, three times per week, a gap year, fulltime, part-time, midday, midnight, millennium, century, decade, fortnight, every other day, quadruple.
Passport photo, state, government, individual, variety, private sector., practice, gen der, creativity, original inhabitant, indigenous, demonstration, strike, entrance, circuit, guarantee, dialogue , commerce, carriage, narrative, chocolate, satellite, decision, prototype, attitude, daily routine, personal fulfillment, activity, recipient, ultrasound, pedestrian safety, traffic jams, procedures, creation, prize, junior, senior, opportunity, driving license, process, literary, man-made, republicans, umbrella, frequently updated, waiting list, sewer systems, liberal democracy, democrats, lunar calendar, libertarian, burger, videos, nature conservation, life expectancy, fund-raising event, magnet, dialect, ramification, straight, farewell, welfare, encyclopedia, evolution, revolution, illiteracy, robot, proficiency, sufficient.